sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011

AMG pesquisa obs ESP_RI - HC800 - ORGANIZAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS O curso apresenta os principais temas e debates referentes ao estudo sobre organizações internacionais. Diferentes perspectivas teóricas serão analisadas, assim como a história desta forma institucional peculiar. Por outro lado, a relação com as possibilidade e limites de ordenação do sistema político internacional e com as possibilidades e limites de cooperação entre Estados e outros atores será discutida. Bibliografia

O curso apresenta os principais temas e debates referentes ao estudo sobre
organizações internacionais. Diferentes perspectivas teóricas serão analisadas, assim
como a história desta forma institucional peculiar. Por outro lado, a relação com as
possibilidade e limites de ordenação do sistema político internacional e com as
possibilidades e limites de cooperação entre Estados e outros atores será discutida.
CHARLES L. Glaser (1997) , Why NATO Is Still Best: Future Security Arrangements
for Europe in Paul F. Diehl (ed.) The Politics of Global
Governance, London, Lynne Rienner. CHARLES Pentland, International Organizations and their Roles in Richard Little and
Michael Smith ( 1991), Perspectives on World Politics , London,
CULTURE in John Boli and George Thomas, Constructing World Culture, Stanford,
Stanford University Press.
DICK ª Leurdijk (1998), Before and After Dayton: the UN and NATO in the Former
Yugoslavia, in Thomas Weiss, Beyond UN Subcontracting, London,
FRIEDRICH Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie ( 2001), International Organization: A
State of the Art on na Art of the State in Lisa L. Martin and
BETH Simmons, International Institutions , London, MIT Press.
GEORGE Tsebelis and Geoffrey Garrett (2001), The Institutional foundations of
Intergovernmentalism and Supranationalism in the European Union,
International Organization, n.55.
IAN Hurd (1999), Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics International
Organization 53
INIS Claude (1964), Swords into Plowshares, Nova York, McGraw-Hill. ( cap. The
Development of International Organization in the Nineteenth
INIS Claude, Power and International Relations, New York, Random House, cap 4, 5.
J. MARTIN Rochester (1986), The Rise and Fall of International Organization as a
Field of Study, International Organization n.40, 4.
JOHN Boli and George Thomas (1999), INGOs and the Organization of World
MARGARITA Diéguez (1998), Regional Mechanisms for the Maintenance of Peace
and Security in the Western Hemisphere in Olga Pellicer,
Regional Mechanisms and Itnernational Security in Latin America, Tokyo, United
Nations University Press.
MARTHA Finnemore (1999) , Rules of War and Wars of Rules: The International Red
Cross and the Restraint of State Violence in John Boli and
GEORGE Thomas, Constructing World Culture, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
MICHAEL C. Williams (2000), From Alliance to Security Community: NATO, Millennium
v.29 n.2.
MICHAEL N. Barnett and Martha Finnemore (2001), The Politics, Power, and
Pathologies of International Organizations in Lisa L. Martin and Beth
Simmons, International Institutions , London, MIT Press.
O'BRIEN, R. Goetz, A-M , J . Scholte, M. Williams (2000), Contesting Global
Governance. Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social
Movements, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
PAUL Diehl (1994), International Peacekeeping, London, Johns Hopkins University
Press. Cap I e II
SAMUEL Huntington Transnational Organizations in World Politics in Richard Little and
Michael Smith ( 1991), Perspectives on World Politics ,
THOMAS Weiss, David Forsythe and Roger Coate (1994), The United Nations and
Changing World Politics, Boulder, Westview. Cap. 1,2,5 e

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