sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011

amg pesquisa HC 817 - Tópicos Avançados em Teoria Política - 60 horas - 4 créditos Ementa: Desenvolvimentos recentes da reflexão sobre a teoria política no âmbito da Ciência Política. Bibliografia básica:

HC 817 - Tópicos Avançados em Teoria Política - 60 horas - 4 créditos
Ementa: Desenvolvimentos recentes da reflexão sobre a teoria política no
âmbito da Ciência Política.
Bibliografia básica:
FERMIA, Joseph V. (1988), "Historicist Critique of 'Revisionist' Methods", in J.
Tully (org.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his Critics. Cambridge,
GADAMER, Hans-Georg. (1975), "Hermeneutics and the  Social Sciences".
Cultural Hermeneutics, vol. 2, pp. 307-316.
_____. (1984), "The Hermeneutics of Suspicion", in  G. Shapiro e A. Sica
(orgs.), Hermeneutics; Questions and Prospects. Amherst, The University of
Massachusetts Press.
_____. (1995), Truth and Method. New York, Continuum.
GRAHAM, Keith. (1988), "How do Illocutionary Descriptions Explain?", in J.
Tully (org.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his Critics. Cambridge,
GUNNELL, John G. (1982), "Interpretation and the History of Political Theory".
The American Political Science Review, vol. 76, nº 2, pp. 317-327.
HARLAN, David. (1989), "Intellectual History and the Return of Literature".
American Historical Review, nº 94, pp.581-698.
HOLLINGER, David A. (1989), "The Return of the Prodigal: The Persistence of
Historical Knowing". American Historical Review, vol. 94, nº 3, pp. 610-621.  KEANE, John. (1988), "More Theses on the Philosophy of History", in J. Tully
(org.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his Critics. Cambridge,
KELLEY, Donald R. (1990), "What is Happening to the History of Ideas?".
Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 51, nº 1, pp. 3-25.
KOSELLECK, Reinhart. (1996), "A Response to Comments on the
Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe", in H. Lehmann e M. Richter (orgs.), The
Meaning of Historical Terms and Concepts: New Studies on Begriffgeschichte.
Washington, D.C., German Historical Institute.
MINOGUE, Kenneth. (1988), "Method in Intellectual History: Quentin Skinner's
Foundations", in J. Tully (org.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his
Critics. Cambridge, Polity.
POCOCK, J. G. A. (2003), Linguagens do Ideário Político. São Paulo, Edusp.
RICHTER, Melvin. (1995), The History of Political and Social Concepts: A
Critical Introduction. New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
_____. (2000), "The Vast Tribe of Ideas". Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, vol.
Band 4, pp. 199-219.
RICOEUR, Paul. (1981), Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Paris,
Cambridge University Press/Editions de la Maison des Sciences de L'Homme.
SCHOCHET, Gordon J. (1974), "Quentin Skinner's Method". Political Theory,
vol. 2, nº 3, pp. 261-276.
SKINNER, Quentin. (1969), "Meaning and Understanding in the History of
Ideas". History and Theory, vol. 8, nº 1, pp. 3-53.
_____. (1971a), "Conventions and the Understanding  of Speech Acts".
Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 20, nº 79, pp. 118-138.
_____. (1971b), "On Performing and Explaining Linguistic Actions".
Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 21, nº 82, pp. 1-21.
_____. (1972), "Motives, Intentions and the Interpretation of Texts". New
Literary History, vol. 3, pp. 393-408.
_____. (1974), "Some Problems in the Analysis of Political Thought and Action".
Political Theory, vol. 2, Symposium on Quentin Skinner, pp. 277-303.
_____. (1975-1976), "Hermeneutics and the Role of History". New Literary
History, nº 7, pp. 209-232,
_____. (1979), "The Idea of Cultural Lexicon". Essays in Criticism, vol. 29, pp.
_____. (1996a), As Fundações do Pensamento Político Moderno. São Paulo,
Companhia das Letras.
_____. (1996b), Razão e Retórica na Filosofia de Hobbes. São
Paulo/Cambridge, UNESP/ University Press.
_____. (1998), "Comments to Kari Palonen's 'Two Perspectives on Conceptual
Change: Temporal and Rhetorical'", in Conceptual Changes in European
Political Cultures: A Planning Meeting for Co-operation between Scholars and
Research Projects. London, The Finnish Institute.
_____. (2001), "The Rise of, Challenge to and Prospects for a Collingwoodian
Approach to the History of Political Thought", in D. Castiglione e I. HampsherMonk (orgs.), The History of Political Thought in National Context. Cambridge,
Cambridge Universtiy Press. _____. (2002), Visions of Politics: Regarding Method. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, vol. 1.
_____. (2005), "On Intellectual History and the History of Books". Contributions
to the History of Concepts, vol. 1, nº 1, pp. 29-36.
TARLTON, Charles D. (1973), "Historicity, Meaning,  and Revisionism in the
Study of Political Thought". History and Theory, vol. 12, nº 3, pp. 307-328

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