cox, r. w.: Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory, In: Millenium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 126-155, 1981
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Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations Theory ... Capitalist System: ATheoretical and Historical Critique", AmericanJournal of Sociology (Vol. .....R.W. Cox and H.K. Jacobson, et al, The Anatomy of Influence: ....Millennium -Journal ofInternational Studi ... -, Hegemony and
International Relations : An Essay in Method ... On this point see E.P. Thompson, 'The Poverty ofTheory ' in The Poverty ofTheory and .... W.Cox , 'Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations ...J ... -
Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations Theory ... ofInternational Studies -MILLENNIUM -J INT STUD ,vol .10 , no.2 , pp.126-155 ,1981 ...Theory ', as RobertCox reminds us, 'is always for someone and for some ...J ... - Bezug auf R. W.
Cox ,Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond interna ...Millennium . Jounal ofInternational Studies ,Vol .10 , No.2 (1981 ), S.126-155 und ... Vgl. T. J. Sinclair,Beyond international relations theory : Robert W.Cox an... -;
Cox ,R.W. (1981 ) “Social forces ,States andworld orders :beyond international relations theory ”,Millennium :Journal ofInternational Studies ,Vol .10 ... - ignoring the
theoretical consequences put by respective central Gramsci and ... (Robert W.Cox : “Social forces ,states andworld orders :beyond international relations theory ”, In:Millenium :Journal ofinternational Studies ,Vol .10 , No.2 , pp.... -
COX ,R. W. :Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations Theory , In:Millenium :Journal ofInternational Studies ,Vol .10 , No.2 ,p . - regions, countries, and institutions that shape today's
international dynamics. At the end of the ... 47(03), 443-478.Cox ,R. W. (1981 ).Social forces ,states andworld orders :beyond international relations theory .Millennium :journal ofinte ... -
Cox ,R.W. (1981 ), 'Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations Theory ',.Millennium :Journal ofInternational Studies 10 (2 ), pp. -
2 . (June1981 ): 204. Lake, David A. “Theory Is Dead, Long LiveTheory : The End of the Great Debates ...Cox ,R. W. “Social Forces ,States andWorld Orders :Beyond International Relations Theory .”Millennium -Journal ofInternational Studies 10 , n...
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