sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015

Foreign Assistance Data Fields - Dashboard Agencies will be required to report on the data fields below, as applicable, on a quarterly update schedule after coordinating with the Dashboard team. j < iX» .......... .......;.}. . .. j .~·i:·C:·· :.,.,.'"';oj,";'';'j ,~. ··,~""· ..·<:}.'L'.-'..LL" ..•.... : ...• ;..•...... .> ..' • : .•"••,.;.;;••.• >.••. ..'. Requesting Agency The agency to wh1ch the requested funds will be ~ppropriated. Text (List) Treasury Department Regular Code Represented by a two-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, that 2-diglt numeric Required by FAST Book 1; Treasury Main Account Code The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; Treasury Main Account Title The title of the account to Which the req uested funds wlll be Text (List) Required by FAST Book; BUreau/Division/Office/Service The bureau/dlvlslon/office/service within the Text Organizational Unit The organizational unit to which the requested funds will be Text Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational Data Field Definition Format I User Notes Comments represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S. Government that is appropriated the funds. Represented by 'a four-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and purpose of each fund. . appropriated. Assigned by the Treasury, the text name reoresenting the type and our ose of each fund. A encv/De artment to which the funds will be allocated. allotted for use. unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the requested funds will be used directly by the bureau and not allocated to a lower-level organizational unit. Request Amount The dollar amount of the request for a specific account, Numeric: USD### Provide in USD; Annual forward planning budget Request Year The fiscal year for which the request was made. yyyy e.g. This should be "2012" forftmds requested in the Framework Sector Code The sector, sub-sector, and/or element that the requested funds Text (List) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution operating unit, sector, and country/region submitted to OMB and Con ress for a iven fiscal ear. intend to foster based on the sector framework established by and not the means to deliver the aid. the SUb-working groups as a common structure and standardized Agencies will be able to assign sectors based on agreed upon framework. definitions against which to classify funds. admin istrative/operationai FY2012 bud et re uest. Country / Region / Office Target beneficiary location Text (List) Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or TextlList) Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd I·L'~·";'· ".,>.• ;';,.:.,' .•..• ; ,.;'"";......; ';",i?'" ''1,,!''.C'L .C C';, ~ .,·;·i".;,.,;;·, ."",:". ;i" '.,;,,,", .. Appropriation Year The fiscal year in which the appropriation was made. yyyy Treasury Department Regular Code Represented by a two-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, that :Z-digit numeric 'Required by FAST Book 1; Treasury Main Account Code The account to which the funds were appropriated. Represented 4-dlgit numeric Required by FAST Book; Treasury Main Account Title The title of the account to which the funds were appropriated. Text Req uired by FAST Book; Appropriated Agency The agency to which the funds were appropriated. Text (Ust) Bureau/Division/Office/Servlce The bureau/division/office/service within the Organizational Unit The organizational unit to which the requested funds will be Text Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational represents the department, agency or establlshment of the U.S. Government that Is a ro iated the funds. , e and u ose of each fund. by a four·digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the Assigned by the Treasury, the text name representing the type and pur ose of each fund. encv/Deoartment to which the funds will be allocated. allotted for use. unit may be the same as the BureaU/Office if the funds will be used directly by the bureau and not allocated to a lower-level organizational unit. Appropriation Amount The dollar amount ofthe appropriation for a specific account, Numeric:USD### Provide in USD. operating unit sector and country/region. Page 1 19 Ii I I ~j f j. ~i'I~ 1 1 . 1 ~ a. N '" ro W Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments Obligation Title Title of the obligation. T,'" Obligation Date Date the funds were obligated. yyyymmdd Obligation Year The fiscal year during which the funds were obligated. yyyy Obligating Instrument The type of mechanism that obligates or sub-obligates funds. Text (List) Obligating instrument; implementing instrument. Examples of implementing mechanisms include contracts, cooperative agreements, grants, inter-agency agreements, fixed amount reimbur.;ement and performance agreements, cash transfer.; to host country governments, debt relief, etc. Ifthere are mUltiple obligating instruments, they should be Ilsted here. if funds are transferred from USAID. Under a 632(a) Agreement, funds go off of the books of USAID and Recipient agency is responsible for obligating the funds. Under a 632{b) Agreement, funds remain on the books of the fundi A typical pre--obllgation requirement is determination of the instruments (implementing mechanism(s)) to be used to achieve the objective for which the funds are being obligated. Determine whether implementing mechanisms are typically one-to-one with obllgations or if there are cases where mUltiple mechanisms may funded by a single obligation. I nteragency Transfer Status Direct Apportionment, 632(a) transfer, or 632(b) interagency Text (list) Equivalent to 632 (a) or (b), if applicable: Only applicable agreement. Source ApproprIation Agency If the funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency OblIgating Agency The agency obligating the foreign assistance funds. "'" This mayor may not be the original fundIng agency. Bureau/Divlsion/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the Organizational Unit Organizational unit that obligated the foreign assistance funds. T,'" Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational name of the agency that transferred the funds (the appropriated " funding agency under 632(b) interagency transfer.;. Text (list) 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. Represented by a four-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and urpose of each fund. Agency/Department obligating the foreign assistance funds. unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds are obligated directly by the bureau and not a lower-level organizational unit. Obligation Amount (Fiscal Year) The dollar amount of the obligation made by a specific operating Obligation Amount {Calendar Year) The dollar amount of the obligation made by a specific operating Obligation Amount The dollar amount of the oblIgation made by a specific operating Activity Code The activity or project code (if available). AlphanUmeric Activity Name orTitle The activity program or project name. Text Activity Description The brief description of the program or project. Text I DAC Classification ldentifierto show the classification of the flow. Yes ODA, No= Tying Status of Award IndIcates whether the award was untied (a'ssistance and/or unit, fora specific sector and country/region, in the Fiscal Year. unit, for a specific sector and country/region, in the Calendar Year. unit for a specific sector and countrv/re ion. Numerlc: USD### ProvIde in USD Numeric: USD### Provide in USD Numeric: USD### Provide in USD Equivalent to FY Obligation. Text (Ust) 1 digit numeric i-Tied Awards; 2= Partially Tied Award; 3 = Untied Award. Awards under "Buy America Act" are tied. U.S. commodities and related freight and costs under food aid programs are classified as tied aid. Awards to This field will be used for reporting under the OECD/DAC Recommendation to Untie Aid to Least Developed Countries and Highly Indebted Poor Countries. Framework Sector Code The sector, sub--sector, and/or element that the requested funds OOF acquisitions whose proceeds are fully and freely available to finance procurement from sources in the U.S., all OECD COUntries, and substantially all developing countries), partially tied (opened only to US sources and the aid recipient country or region), or tied (only US sources). intend to foster based on the seetorframework established by the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized definitions against which to classify funds. Text (List) Agencies will be able to assign sectors based on agreed upon framework. Benefitting COUntry/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) Provide by country IT possible; otherwise by lowest level Page 3 of geographic granularity {region, worldwide, etc.) --­ Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or Text (List) '. ....,. ,» , 2· .... ,;.....,. ...C·, Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd ~ ,: C'i!;;c;iC;;" •,c'c, ·,.C; .:." --> ,.' Implementing Mechanism 10 The unique identifier forthe implementing mechanism. This is used to ensure an implementIng mechanism in Implementing Mechanism Title The official title of the Implementing mechanism, preferably the Text Contract Name, Grant Title, Intervention Title, Activity Implementing Mechanism Signing Date The date when the implementing mechanism between the yyyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the Implementing Mechanism Year The fiscal year during which the implementing mechanism was VYVY Implementing Mechanism Type The type of instrument used to fund the foreign assistance Text (List) ad ministrative/operational mUltiple locations is treated as a sIngle intervention. If there Is no ID one will be assigned. title enter "In-Kind Donation" Implementing Mechanism-Purpose Statement A brief, but meaningful narrative that provides an understanding Text Description, Intervention Description, Goals, objectives, Source Obligation 10 The alphanumeric unique identifier of the obligation that funds Alphanumeric I nteragency Transfer Status Indicate ifthe obligation can be identified as a 632{a) or 632(b) Text (List) Source AppropriatIon Agency Ifthe funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the Text (List) Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. Represented Implementing Agency The agency that established the legally binding relationship with Text (List) Provide full and proper name. If this is the same as the Information tied to this Agency name wlll serve as the contact information for an implementing entity in the implementing mechanism. Appropriated Agency state the name again. any queries. Bureau/Division/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the To'" Organizational Unit Organizational unit implementing the foreign assistance. To'" Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational name used in the official documents. Title, etc. For material donations, if there Is no official Implementing Agency and Implementing Partner becomes legally month. binding. si ned. activity. e.g., cash transfers, direct contract, direct grant, host government-managed, other USG direct, and Third party- Agencies will be able to suggest implementing mechanism types. managed. In cases where a lower level of detail is unnecessary, the implementing mechanism may be an "activity" funded by an of the undertaking for which the implementing mechanism has impacts, etc. Do not use acronyms. No limitation on the been funded, its objectives, and the hypothesis of the length of the field. mechanism's development impact. the im lementin;;: mechanism. transfer. name of the agency that transferred the funds (the appropriated a encvl. funding agency under 632(b) Interagency transfers. by a four-dlgit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and ur ose of each fund. Agencv/Department im lementlng the foreign assistance. unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds are obligated directly by the bureau and not a lower-level organizational unit. cost. Implementing Mechanism Amount The dollar amount of the implementing mechanism signed by a Numeric: USD### Provide in USD. Implementing Mechanism Obligated Amount The dollar amount of the obligation funding the implementing Numeric: USD### Provide in USO. Implementing Mechanism Disbursed Amount The dollar amount disbursed forthe implementing mechanism Numeric: USD### PrOvide in USD. Start Date The start date identified in the implementing mechanism. yyyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the End Date The end date Identified in the implementing mechanism. yvyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the Collaboration Type Identify whether the funding flow is bilateral, from the Text/DACcode DonorType. State either bilateral or multilateral. specific operating unit, for a specific sector and country/region. e.g., total contract cost, total activity cost, total grant Represents potential amount of contract or grant value. mechanism signed by a specific operating unit, for a specffic To be used if soun::e Obligation ID is unavailable. sector and countrv/region. signed by a specific operating unit, for a specific sector and To be used if source Obligation ID Is unavailable. countrv/region. month. month. Implementing Agency directly to the Benefitting Country, or Is multilateral, funds given via an intermediary international > "" Page 4 Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments Implementing Agent Organization or party that receives the funds from the Text (List) Do not use acronyms. Provide full and proper name. New partners should be brought to the attention of the Dashboard. Implementing Agent Description Description of the Implementing Agent's organization and Text Provide complete sentences. Implementing Agent Country of Origin The country where the Implementing Agent is permanently Text Provide full and proper name. Include ISO code if Implementing Agent DUNS The DUNS number of the Implementing Agent Text (List) Implementing Agent Type For Profit, Not-For-Proftt, Non Governmental Organization, U.s. Text (List) Current Status as of Reporting Date The current stage in the implementing lifecycle at the time the Text The status as of the date uploaded. Use the best fit of Framework Sector COde (Primary) The sector, sub-sector, and/or element that the requested funds Text {List) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution Implementing Agency to carry out the foreign assistance work. Include DAC code if applicable. e.g. an organization or party that has an assistance For agencies providing technical assistance executed by the U.S., a selection (grant/agreement/compact) or acquisition (contract) relationship If the Implementing Agent is the same as the wIll be made available to denote the funding of such activities. with the Implementing Agency to use foreign assistance funds; a Implementing Agency, enter the agency as the country's govemment or ministry that receives a direct Implementing Agent. contribution from the USG; a USG agency or entity that directly carries out the foreign assistance work. urJ:)ose. located, i.e., domiciled. For example, the location Where the applicable. Implementing Agent Information: organization is chartered orthe organization's prinCipal place of These fields may be kept as a separate master table in the Dashboard Government Forei n Government . information is published. the follOWing classifications: 1. Planning, 2. intend to foster based on the sector framework established by and not the means to deliver the aid. This field will be used to generate the website visualizations on the country the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized pages. definitions against which to classify funds. database. Implementation 3. Post-co letion 4. cancelled. Benefitting COuntry/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) Provide by country if possible; otherwise by lowest level FundingType Indicates whether the funds are program or Text (List) Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd .. ·'."i/< ' .. ,4>,'" . ~'r>t~":"~::::~~:~~':~~ffu;n~s~"::-~-'-:-:;\t!,:~:~-:-~ ;" c;' ;,U':::,,;; Xii, ,,,I ." !jJ~L:{; ,.. i.":;,, Disbursement 10 Alphanumeric Disbursement Date The date the funds were disbursed. yyyymmdd Disbursement Year The fiscal year In which the disbursement is made. yyyy Source Obligation ID Unique identifier of the obligation against which the Alphanumeric Linked Implementing Mechanism ID Unique identifier of the implementing mechanism for which the Alphanumeric Disbursing Agency The agency disbUrsing the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) This mayor may not be the funding agency. Disbursing Bureau/Divlslon/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the Text Disbursing Organizational Unit Organizational unit that disbursed the foreign assistance funds. Text Operational Unit; It Is pOSSible that the organizational of geographic granularity (region, worldwide, etc.) administrative 0 erational disbursement is charged. funds are being disbursed. Agencv/Deoartment that disbursed the funds. unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds are implemented directly by the bureau and not a lower- level organizational unit. Source Appropriation Agency If the funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the Text (List) Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; The account to which the-requested funds will be appropriated. Represented Activity Code The activity or project code (if available). Alphanumeric Activity Name orTitle The activity program or project name. T,'" I Activity Description The brief description of the program or project. T,'" ! Disbursement Amount (Fiscal Year) The sum total of disbursements In a given time period (typically a Numeric: USD### Provide in USD. name of the agency that transferred the funds {the appropriated agencvl. funding agency under 632{b) interagency transfers. by a four--digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and urpose of each fund. quarter) associated with a single implementing meChanism. Equivalent to FY Disbursement. I Page 5 Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments Disbursement Amount (Calendar Year) The sum total of disbursements in a given time period (typically a Disbursement Amount The sum total of disbursements in a given time period (typically a DAC Classification Identifier to show the classification of the flow. Yes" ODA, No '" Implementing Agent The recipient of the disbursement. Text (Ust) Do not use acronyms. Provide full and proper nilme. Implementing Agent Description Description of the Implementing Agent's organization and Implementing Agent Country of Origin The country where the Implementing Agent is permanently Implementing Agent DUNS The DUNS number of the Implementing Agent. Text (list) Implementing Agent Type For Profit, Not-For-Profit, Non Governmental OrganlZiltion, U.S. Framework Sector Code The sector, sub sector, and/or element that the requested funds quarter) associated with il single implementing mechanism. quarter) associated with a single implementing mechanism. OOF Numeric: USD### Provide in USD. Numeric: USDIfIffl Provide in USD. Text (list) Include DAC code if applicable. For agencies providing technical assistance executed by the U.s., a selection will be made available to denote the funding of such activities. lurpose. located, i.e., domiciled. For example, the location where the organization is chartered or the organization's principal place of Government. intend to foster based on the sector framework established by the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized definitions against which to classify funds. T," Provide complete sentences. T," Provide full and proper name. Indude ISO code if applicable. Implementing Agent Information: These fields may be kept as a separate master table In the database and need not be provided by each agency Text rUst) Text (Ust) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution ilnd not the means to deliver the aid. This field will be used to generate the website visualizations on the country pages. Benefitting country/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) Provide by country if possible; otherwise by lowest level Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyYymmdd of geographic granularity (region, worldwide, etc.) Text (List) administrative/o erational. Page 6 Foreign Assistance Dashboard Sector Framework ,ci~Q~iI~'are_irfgr~y' ' Sectors are in white and I 3.3 Malaria 3.6 and Health 6Ehvii'(jlituent . 6.1 Envirullmem 6.2 Natural Resources and Biodiversity 6.3 Clean Productive Environment ··}'l{I'i\lmil'jii~F\a;n· As5istifi1t!£;;)! _~_... 7.1 Protection, Assistance and Solutions 7.2 Disaster Readiness 9.2 Monitoring and Evaluation 7.3 Migration Management 9.3 International Contributions SDet1t·~&lil':f _~_ .. _.·r 8.1 Debt Relief 9/R'l'lif:ari:n·Man~li'tlm\i~t.• ........ 9.1 Direct Administrative Costs
Foreign Assistance Data Fields - Dashboard

Agencies will be required to report on the data fields below, as applicable, on a quarterly update schedule after coordinating with the Dashboard team.

j < iX» .......... .......;.}. . .. j .~·i:·C:·· :.,.,.'"';oj,";'';'j ,~. ··,~""· ..·<:}.'L'.-'..LL" ..•.... : ...• ;..•...... .> ..' • : .•"••,.;.;;••.• >.••. ..'.

Requesting Agency The agency to wh1ch the requested funds will be ~ppropriated. Text (List)

Treasury Department Regular Code Represented by a two-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, that 2-diglt numeric Required by FAST Book 1;

Treasury Main Account Code The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book;

Treasury Main Account Title The title of the account to Which the req uested funds wlll be Text (List) Required by FAST Book;

BUreau/Division/Office/Service The bureau/dlvlslon/office/service within the Text

Organizational Unit The organizational unit to which the requested funds will be Text Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational

Data Field Definition Format I User Notes Comments

represents the department, agency or establishment of the U.S.

Government that is appropriated the funds.

Represented by 'a four-digit code, assigned by the Treasury,

representing the type and purpose of each fund. .

appropriated. Assigned by the Treasury, the text name

reoresenting the type and our ose of each fund.

A encv/De artment to which the funds will be allocated.

allotted for use. unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the

requested funds will be used directly by the bureau and

not allocated to a lower-level organizational unit.

Request Amount The dollar amount of the request for a specific account, Numeric: USD### Provide in USD; Annual forward planning budget

Request Year The fiscal year for which the request was made. yyyy e.g. This should be "2012" forftmds requested in the

Framework Sector Code The sector, sub-sector, and/or element that the requested funds Text (List) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution

operating unit, sector, and country/region submitted to OMB

and Con ress for a iven fiscal ear.

intend to foster based on the sector framework established by and not the means to deliver the aid.

the SUb-working groups as a common structure and standardized Agencies will be able to assign sectors based on agreed upon framework.

definitions against which to classify funds.

admin istrative/operationai

FY2012 bud et re uest.

Country / Region / Office Target beneficiary location Text (List)

Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or TextlList)

Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd

I·L'~·";'· ".,>.• ;';,.:.,' .•..• ; ,.;'"";......; ';",i?'" ''1,,!''.C'L .C C';, ~ .,·;·i".;,.,;;·, ."",:". ;i" '.,;,,,", ..

Appropriation Year The fiscal year in which the appropriation was made. yyyy

Treasury Department Regular Code Represented by a two-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, that :Z-digit numeric 'Required by FAST Book 1;

Treasury Main Account Code The account to which the funds were appropriated. Represented 4-dlgit numeric Required by FAST Book;

Treasury Main Account Title The title of the account to which the funds were appropriated. Text Req uired by FAST Book;

Appropriated Agency The agency to which the funds were appropriated. Text (Ust)

Bureau/Division/Office/Servlce The bureau/division/office/service within the

Organizational Unit The organizational unit to which the requested funds will be Text Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational

represents the department, agency or establlshment of the U.S.

Government that Is a ro iated the funds.

, e and u ose of each fund.

by a four·digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the

Assigned by the Treasury, the text name representing the type

and pur ose of each fund.

encv/Deoartment to which the funds will be allocated.

allotted for use. unit may be the same as the BureaU/Office if the funds

will be used directly by the bureau and not allocated to a

lower-level organizational unit.

Appropriation Amount The dollar amount ofthe appropriation for a specific account, Numeric:USD### Provide in USD.

operating unit sector and country/region.

Page 1


Ii I I ~j





1 . 1 ~






Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments

Obligation Title Title of the obligation. T,'"

Obligation Date Date the funds were obligated. yyyymmdd

Obligation Year The fiscal year during which the funds were obligated. yyyy

Obligating Instrument The type of mechanism that obligates or sub-obligates funds. Text (List) Obligating instrument; implementing instrument.

Examples of implementing mechanisms include

contracts, cooperative agreements, grants, inter-agency

agreements, fixed amount reimbur.;ement and

performance agreements, cash transfer.; to host country

governments, debt relief, etc. Ifthere are mUltiple

obligating instruments, they should be Ilsted here.

if funds are transferred from USAID.

Under a 632(a) Agreement, funds go off of the books of

USAID and Recipient agency is responsible for obligating

the funds.

Under a 632{b) Agreement, funds remain on the books of

the fundi

A typical pre--obllgation requirement is determination of the instruments

(implementing mechanism(s)) to be used to achieve the objective for which

the funds are being obligated.

Determine whether implementing mechanisms are typically one-to-one with

obllgations or if there are cases where mUltiple mechanisms may funded by a

single obligation.

I nteragency Transfer Status Direct Apportionment, 632(a) transfer, or 632(b) interagency

Text (list) Equivalent to 632 (a) or (b), if applicable: Only applicable


Source ApproprIation Agency If the funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the

Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency

OblIgating Agency The agency obligating the foreign assistance funds. "'" This mayor may not be the original fundIng agency.

Bureau/Divlsion/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the

Organizational Unit Organizational unit that obligated the foreign assistance funds. T,'" Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational

name of the agency that transferred the funds (the appropriated


funding agency under 632(b) interagency transfer.;.

Text (list)

4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book;

The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. Represented

by a four-digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and

urpose of each fund.

Agency/Department obligating the foreign assistance funds.

unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds

are obligated directly by the bureau and not a lower-level

organizational unit.

Obligation Amount (Fiscal Year) The dollar amount of the obligation made by a specific operating

Obligation Amount {Calendar Year) The dollar amount of the obligation made by a specific operating

Obligation Amount The dollar amount of the oblIgation made by a specific operating

Activity Code The activity or project code (if available). AlphanUmeric

Activity Name orTitle The activity program or project name. Text

Activity Description The brief description of the program or project. Text I

DAC Classification ldentifierto show the classification of the flow. Yes ODA, No=

Tying Status of Award IndIcates whether the award was untied (a'ssistance and/or

unit, fora specific sector and country/region, in the Fiscal Year.

unit, for a specific sector and country/region, in the Calendar


unit for a specific sector and countrv/re ion.

Numerlc: USD### ProvIde in USD

Numeric: USD### Provide in USD

Numeric: USD### Provide in USD

Equivalent to FY Obligation.

Text (Ust)

1 digit numeric i-Tied Awards; 2= Partially Tied Award; 3 = Untied


Awards under "Buy America Act" are tied. U.S.

commodities and related freight and costs under food

aid programs are classified as tied aid. Awards to

This field will be used for reporting under the OECD/DAC Recommendation to

Untie Aid to Least Developed Countries and Highly Indebted Poor Countries.

Framework Sector Code The sector, sub--sector, and/or element that the requested funds


acquisitions whose proceeds are fully and freely available to

finance procurement from sources in the U.S., all OECD

COUntries, and substantially all developing countries), partially

tied (opened only to US sources and the aid recipient country or

region), or tied (only US sources).

intend to foster based on the seetorframework established by

the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized

definitions against which to classify funds.

Text (List)

Agencies will be able to assign sectors based on agreed upon framework.

Benefitting COUntry/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds.

Text (List) Provide by country IT possible; otherwise by lowest level

Page 3

of geographic granularity {region, worldwide, etc.)


Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments

Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or Text (List)

'. ....,. ,» , 2· .... ,;.....,. ...C·,

Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd

~ ,: C'i!;;c;iC;;" •,c'c, ·,.C; .:." --> ,.' Implementing Mechanism 10 The unique identifier forthe implementing mechanism. This is used to ensure an implementIng mechanism in

Implementing Mechanism Title The official title of the Implementing mechanism, preferably the Text Contract Name, Grant Title, Intervention Title, Activity

Implementing Mechanism Signing Date The date when the implementing mechanism between the yyyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the

Implementing Mechanism Year The fiscal year during which the implementing mechanism was VYVY

Implementing Mechanism Type The type of instrument used to fund the foreign assistance Text (List)

ad ministrative/operational

mUltiple locations is treated as a sIngle intervention. If

there Is no ID one will be assigned.

title enter "In-Kind Donation"

Implementing Mechanism-Purpose Statement A brief, but meaningful narrative that provides an understanding Text Description, Intervention Description, Goals, objectives,

Source Obligation 10 The alphanumeric unique identifier of the obligation that funds Alphanumeric

I nteragency Transfer Status Indicate ifthe obligation can be identified as a 632{a) or 632(b) Text (List)

Source AppropriatIon Agency Ifthe funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the Text (List)

Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; The account to which the requested funds will be appropriated. Represented

Implementing Agency The agency that established the legally binding relationship with Text (List) Provide full and proper name. If this is the same as the Information tied to this Agency name wlll serve as the contact information for an implementing entity in the implementing mechanism. Appropriated Agency state the name again. any queries.

Bureau/Division/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the To'"

Organizational Unit Organizational unit implementing the foreign assistance. To'" Operational Unit; It is possible that the organizational

name used in the official documents. Title, etc. For material donations, if there Is no official

Implementing Agency and Implementing Partner becomes legally month.


si ned.

activity. e.g., cash transfers, direct contract, direct grant, host

government-managed, other USG direct, and Third party- Agencies will be able to suggest implementing mechanism types. managed. In cases where a lower level of detail is unnecessary,

the implementing mechanism may be an "activity" funded by an

of the undertaking for which the implementing mechanism has impacts, etc. Do not use acronyms. No limitation on the

been funded, its objectives, and the hypothesis of the length of the field.

mechanism's development impact.

the im lementin;;: mechanism.


name of the agency that transferred the funds (the appropriated

a encvl.

funding agency under 632(b) Interagency transfers. by a four-dlgit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and

ur ose of each fund.

Agencv/Department im lementlng the foreign assistance.

unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds

are obligated directly by the bureau and not a lower-level

organizational unit.


Implementing Mechanism Amount The dollar amount of the implementing mechanism signed by a Numeric: USD### Provide in USD.

Implementing Mechanism Obligated Amount The dollar amount of the obligation funding the implementing Numeric: USD### Provide in USO.

Implementing Mechanism Disbursed Amount The dollar amount disbursed forthe implementing mechanism Numeric: USD### PrOvide in USD.

Start Date The start date identified in the implementing mechanism. yyyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the

End Date The end date Identified in the implementing mechanism. yvyymmdd If a day is not provided please enter the first of the

Collaboration Type Identify whether the funding flow is bilateral, from the Text/DACcode DonorType. State either bilateral or multilateral.

specific operating unit, for a specific sector and country/region. e.g., total contract cost, total activity cost, total grant Represents potential amount of contract or grant value.

mechanism signed by a specific operating unit, for a specffic To be used if soun::e Obligation ID is unavailable.

sector and countrv/region.

signed by a specific operating unit, for a specific sector and To be used if source Obligation ID Is unavailable.




Implementing Agency directly to the Benefitting Country, or Is

multilateral, funds given via an intermediary international

> ""

Page 4

Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments

Implementing Agent Organization or party that receives the funds from the Text (List) Do not use acronyms. Provide full and proper name. New partners should be brought to the attention of the Dashboard.

Implementing Agent Description Description of the Implementing Agent's organization and Text Provide complete sentences.

Implementing Agent Country of Origin The country where the Implementing Agent is permanently Text Provide full and proper name. Include ISO code if

Implementing Agent DUNS The DUNS number of the Implementing Agent Text (List)

Implementing Agent Type For Profit, Not-For-Proftt, Non Governmental Organization, U.s. Text (List)

Current Status as of Reporting Date The current stage in the implementing lifecycle at the time the Text The status as of the date uploaded. Use the best fit of

Framework Sector COde (Primary) The sector, sub-sector, and/or element that the requested funds Text {List) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution

Implementing Agency to carry out the foreign assistance work. Include DAC code if applicable.

e.g. an organization or party that has an assistance For agencies providing technical assistance executed by the U.S., a selection

(grant/agreement/compact) or acquisition (contract) relationship If the Implementing Agent is the same as the wIll be made available to denote the funding of such activities.

with the Implementing Agency to use foreign assistance funds; a Implementing Agency, enter the agency as the

country's govemment or ministry that receives a direct Implementing Agent.

contribution from the USG; a USG agency or entity that directly

carries out the foreign assistance work.


located, i.e., domiciled. For example, the location Where the applicable. Implementing Agent Information:

organization is chartered orthe organization's prinCipal place of These fields may be kept as a separate master table in the Dashboard

Government Forei n Government .

information is published. the follOWing classifications: 1. Planning, 2.

intend to foster based on the sector framework established by and not the means to deliver the aid. This field will be used to generate the website visualizations on the country the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized pages. definitions against which to classify funds.


Implementation 3. Post-co letion 4. cancelled.

Benefitting COuntry/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) Provide by country if possible; otherwise by lowest level

FundingType Indicates whether the funds are program or Text (List)

Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyyymmdd

.. ·'."i/< ' .. ,4>,'" . ~'r>t~":"~::::~~:~~':~~ffu;n~s~"::-~-'-:-:;\t!,:~:~-:-~ ;" c;' ;,U':::,,;; Xii, ,,,I ." !jJ~L:{; ,.. i.":;,, Disbursement 10 Alphanumeric

Disbursement Date The date the funds were disbursed. yyyymmdd

Disbursement Year The fiscal year In which the disbursement is made. yyyy

Source Obligation ID Unique identifier of the obligation against which the Alphanumeric

Linked Implementing Mechanism ID Unique identifier of the implementing mechanism for which the Alphanumeric

Disbursing Agency The agency disbUrsing the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) This mayor may not be the funding agency.

Disbursing Bureau/Divlslon/Office/Service The bureau/division/office/service within the Text

Disbursing Organizational Unit Organizational unit that disbursed the foreign assistance funds. Text Operational Unit; It Is pOSSible that the organizational

of geographic granularity (region, worldwide, etc.)

administrative 0 erational

disbursement is charged.

funds are being disbursed.

Agencv/Deoartment that disbursed the funds.

unit may be the same as the Bureau/Office if the funds

are implemented directly by the bureau and not a lower-
level organizational unit.

Source Appropriation Agency If the funds were received through an Interagency Transfer, the Text (List)

Source Appropriation Symbol The appropriation symbol of the funds sent by the agency 4-digit numeric Required by FAST Book; The account to which the-requested funds will be appropriated. Represented

Activity Code The activity or project code (if available). Alphanumeric

Activity Name orTitle The activity program or project name. T,'" I

Activity Description The brief description of the program or project. T,'" !

Disbursement Amount (Fiscal Year) The sum total of disbursements In a given time period (typically a Numeric: USD### Provide in USD.

name of the agency that transferred the funds {the appropriated


funding agency under 632{b) interagency transfers. by a four--digit code, assigned by the Treasury, representing the type and

urpose of each fund.

quarter) associated with a single implementing meChanism. Equivalent to FY Disbursement. I

Page 5

Data Field Definition Format User Notes Comments

Disbursement Amount (Calendar Year) The sum total of disbursements in a given time period (typically a

Disbursement Amount The sum total of disbursements in a given time period (typically a

DAC Classification Identifier to show the classification of the flow. Yes" ODA, No '"

Implementing Agent The recipient of the disbursement. Text (Ust) Do not use acronyms. Provide full and proper nilme.

Implementing Agent Description Description of the Implementing Agent's organization and

Implementing Agent Country of Origin The country where the Implementing Agent is permanently

Implementing Agent DUNS The DUNS number of the Implementing Agent. Text (list)

Implementing Agent Type For Profit, Not-For-Profit, Non Governmental OrganlZiltion, U.S.

Framework Sector Code The sector, sub sector, and/or element that the requested funds

quarter) associated with il single implementing mechanism.

quarter) associated with a single implementing mechanism.


Numeric: USD### Provide in USD.

Numeric: USDIfIffl Provide in USD.

Text (list)

Include DAC code if applicable. For agencies providing technical assistance executed by the U.s., a selection

will be made available to denote the funding of such activities.


located, i.e., domiciled. For example, the location where the

organization is chartered or the organization's principal place of


intend to foster based on the sector framework established by

the sub-working groups as a common structure and standardized

definitions against which to classify funds.

T," Provide complete sentences.

T," Provide full and proper name. Indude ISO code if


Implementing Agent Information:

These fields may be kept as a separate master table In the database and need

not be provided by each agency

Text rUst)

Text (Ust) Report the sector ultimately targeted by the contribution

ilnd not the means to deliver the aid. This field will be used to generate the website visualizations on the country


Benefitting country/Region/Office Target beneficiary location of the foreign assistance funds. Text (List) Provide by country if possible; otherwise by lowest level

Funding Type Indicates whether the funds are program or

Reporting Date Date when the data is submitted to the dashboard. yyYymmdd

of geographic granularity (region, worldwide, etc.)

Text (List)

administrative/o erational.

Page 6

Foreign Assistance Dashboard Sector Framework

,ci~Q~iI~'are_irfgr~y' '

Sectors are in white

and I 3.3 Malaria

3.6 and Health

6Ehvii'(jlituent . 6.1 Envirullmem

6.2 Natural Resources and


6.3 Clean Productive


··}'l{I'i\lmil'jii~F\a;n· As5istifi1t!£;;)! _~_... 7.1 Protection, Assistance and


7.2 Disaster Readiness 9.2 Monitoring and Evaluation

7.3 Migration Management 9.3 International Contributions

SDet1t·~&lil':f _~_ .. _.·r 8.1 Debt Relief

9/R'l'lif:ari:n·Man~li'tlm\i~t.• ........ 9.1 Direct Administrative Costs

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