domingo, 22 de maio de 2016

. . Events Roundtable National Institution for Transforming India Aayog Roundtable Conference India-Pakistan: Regional Economic Strategies Conference India and Australia: Pathways to A Strong Trading Future Recent Papers Name Author Date published Reconciling China’s official statistics on state ownership and control Paul Hubbard May 2016 Suggestions to Improve Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Framework: Submission to the Inquiry by the Senate Economics References Committee Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, Neil Thomas March 2016 Chinese ODI and the Need to Reform Australia’s Foreign Investment Regime Peter Drysdale, Shiro Armstrong, Neil Thomas March 2016 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Multilateralism on the Silk Road Mike Callaghan, Paul Hubbard January 2016 Where Have China’s State Monopolies Gone? Paul Hubbard November 2015 China's Sovereign Investment Funds in International Perspective: The Exceptionalism of CIC and SAFE Angela Cummine August 2015 China's Outbound Investment: The US Experience Mark Feldman August 2015 A comparative study of mergers and acquisitions by privately-held and state-owned enterprises Michael V Gestrin August 2015 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy: A Historical Perspective Chris Pokarier August 2015 Chinese State Owned Enterprises: An Observer’s Guide Paul Hubbard, Patrick Williams August 2015 .. Powered by Drupal & Kiwi Themes. . EABER map EABER map Search Search Newsletter subscription A confirmation email has been sent to Working papers Macroeconomics Microeconomics Trade Labour Development Finance Governance Energy Foreign Direct Investment EABER members ADBI, Japan AJRC, Australia Crawford, Australia CCER, China CIEM, Vietnam CSIS, Indonesia DPU, Thailand CityU, Hong Kong EIC, Cambodia ERI, China FPRI, Thailand IAPS, China IEE, Japan IWEP, China JCER, Japan KEEI, South Korea KIEP, South Korea MDRI-CESD, Myanmar MIER, Malaysia NZIER, New Zealand PIDS, the Philippines PRI, Japan SCAPE, Singapore SMERU, Indonesia SMU, Singapore SSF, RUC, China TDRI, Thailand